An exiled doctor-in-training who travels the wilds, wandering from place to place and helping anyone they come across who needs it.
Iva travels from place to place along the outskirts of the Empire assisting and guiding people who wander and get lost or in trouble. Despite their unofficial banishment from civilization, they have quite a reputation among the people who live in the outskirt small towns. Some see them as somewhat of a strange shadowy cryptid, others who know them and see them around trust them and are more than willing to give assistance in the form of medical supplies and gear in exchange for their constant help.
They don't particularly like being seen around town, always paranoid that the wrong people might take notice, but that doesn't stop townspeople from going out to visit them, though the people are very wary of their companion, Ebon.
Iva has plenty of patience for people as long as people sit still while they patch them up. They tend to put others first, even in dangerous situations and don't mind getting a little scratched up in protecting others. On the other side, they definitely don't like when other people try to put themselves in danger for Iva. They think they're hardened and strong enough to be able to handle themself in any situation.
Iva is proficient with most things that require a deft and steady hand: sewing, fixing things, mending people, that sort of thing. They're extremely patient and don't mind taking the extra time to make sure something is perfect. They can get rather protective and hate seeing others hurt- this includes Ebon, who Iva sometimes gets annoyed at when he decides to put himself between them and some dangerous creature, resulting in him getting scratched up again.
Iva, back when they lived in a quite large and prominent region, was studying to be a doctor, with promising prospects of someday being able to move to the central palace as an apprentice healer, one of the most prestigious places to work.
However, young and relatively naïve at 16, they were not entirely aware of the political goings on outside of their immediate family from spending most of their time focusing on studying. They happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time while heading back home from a small outing to spot a rather shady exchange right in front of them. Before the group could notice, Iva ran off to alert someone who could help. Unluckily, the ones they found first were official security, who just happened to have been entirely bought out by a large illegal organization operating across most regions in the Empire. A large organization that Iva had just seen.
Safe to say, Iva was quickly hunted down, though seeing they were only essentially a kid, they were given the option of banishment from the Empire along with a promise silence from their family. The other options being less than favorable, Iva accepted, if only to protect their family.
Current Day
Iva wanders the wilds still, scared to ever go back to their home. Little do they know, the group who 'banished' them was doing it as nothing more than a sick joke and didn't really care that much. But nobody in their family knows that.
They ended up meeting Ebon, a wild hell-beast who had somehow regained his consciousness after thousands of years. They cannot communicate, but they both help each other along. He's probably the main reason Iva has even survived- the wilds can be incredibly dangerous.
Ebon is a wild hell-beast who Iva has known almost since they were pushed out of town. He takes the form of a large thin creature with large ears, messy fur and scars where white light shines through. He often wears a makeshift saddle and several bags to help carry things.
Ebon was wandering wild and feral in the wilds until one day he, injured and exhausted, wandered into one of Iva's traps. Iva, feeling sorry for him, decided to go against their instincts and help nurse him back to health. Over that time he slowly started becoming aware of his own actions and thoughts again for the first time in possibly thousands of years.
Ebon is very headstrong and attempts to act and look tough and scary, though usually this results in him taking on more than he can reasonably do. Since Iva was the first humanoid he met when he 'came to', he thinks that they possibly had something to do with his awakening and therefore vowed to always stay with Iva and protect them- it's not like he has anywhere else to go anyway.

- Helping people
- Animals
- Quiet moments
- Getting muddy and dirty
- Crowded spaces
- People who flaunt their power
- Likes doodling, though they wouldn't say they're an artist they keep a set of notebooks and pencils with them to pass the time


