Summer Wind

It's the late 1690's in Lincoln, England, but things are not all right. A nearby vampire House is causing trouble, planning something devious, wolves are heard howling into the wee hours in the woods and a young man just wants to get away from it all.

One of my more recent worlds, and developed a lot through roleplay. Werewolves originally weren't even something I planned on adding!

The following is an exerpt from a journal.

Vampires may technically feed off of any living warm-blooded being, but other humans are the best and most 'healthy' for them.

In emergencies you may find them feeding on rats, livestock and other domesticated animals. They find this act repulsive from multiple directions.
- Other vampires see it as a failure and look down upon a vampire who resorts to feeding on weaker animals
- They generally find animals to be unappetizing, they taste revolting by their standards and hate getting fur and hair in their mouths. Understandably. I've peeked July feeding on rats and he always looks like he's bitten into an unexpectedly rotten apple whenever he has to.

Different blood types supposedly have different taste and sometimes can have effects on those feeding. Most notably, in extreme rare cases specific humans are able to produce some sort of powerful blood. The monsters can smell this rare blood type much more strongly than normal and often seek it out for its rich taste and powers.

Effects noted from a vampire drinking this blood include:
- Heightened senses most notably sight and hearing
- Heightened energy, more than usual
Requires further study.

Supposedly vampires live in small groups or families with one 'Master' of the house. Very little goes on without their knowing permission, including turning humans and welcoming them to the family.
Once a house gets too large and unruly, some may choose to move out and create their own family somewhere else. Sometimes the Master will have to exile a few if none choose to leave, for the safety of the group. Because naturally when there are too many in one place, humans start noticing.

Contracting vampirism primarily happens through bite near the torso area, commonly at the neck.

The process for a human to turn is quite painful and uncomfortable, it's not something one should wish to go through unless you're sure you want it. If the fact you must hunt and hurt living humans in order to survive and will likely never feel sunlight again isn't enough of a deterrent...

The turning process commonly goes through these phases, though time scale and exact severity depends on the person. Listed in rough order each symptom develops.

~ 1 day after infection
• Fever begins, slight at first but gets worse through the process
• Begins developing an aversion to sleep/ insomia.
~ 2 days after infection
• Restlessness, desire to keep moving around. If forced to sit and stay still victim may resort to moving arms, hands and/or legs
• Begins growing hungry, however the body will reject any food provided.
• Develops a painfully intense thirst, however the body entirely rejects any drink.
~ 3 days after infection
• Dehydration, hunger and lack of sleep can lead to paranoia and anxiety.
• Light causes distress and more extreme paranoia in subject, grows suddenly sensitive to sunlight and claims it burns.
~ 4-6 days after infection (final stages)
• The body 'gives up' and the heart stops, but it appears they are still functional and alive.
While the subject quickly grows an almost feral, wild craving for killing and consuming other living humans. Until they get their first feed, while they still appear to understand speech and recognize others enough to sometimes restrain themselves, they act not as you expect and can change quickly and will attack you given the chance