The crown prince of Hell, and a rare mixture between an archangel and what is commonly referred to as a demon.
Cyrus is very hard working and dedicated to his job as prince. He tries to rarely take breaks between small jobs and assignments and is always trying to be busy. He feels like he needs to be the best he can be in order to make up for past mistakes and to be respected. This overworking often leads to anxiety. His brother Oriel usually has to jump in to distract him whenever he tries taking on too much and needs a break regardless of what he says he wants.
He's a little clumsy and uncoordinated (couldn't finish a dance without tripping to save his life), so he rarely directly participates in balls and parties, though he regularly attends them (partly out of obligation). But he does excel in organizing things and is a confident speaker if he has appropriate time to prepare.
At times he can have trouble letting new people get close to him, and he often tries burying himself in his work if he finds someone trying to become too close friends.
All of this, however, is very much a mask he puts on to look more 'professional' and worthy of his titles. His childhood had him behaving much, much different. Some people can get his mask to slip down (Mainly Oriel and Adam)
He was raised mostly in secret for much of his early life, mainly to help him have a relatively normal childhood. His coronation as Crown Prince was done soon after he turned 16, though he didn't start taking the role seriously until certain incidents that happened around age 28.
He's always been very cautious and thoughtful, if he wants to get up to some trouble he'd rather plan everything out to make sure he doesn't get caught rather than rushing into things (unlike his brother). This is very much what he did all through his schooling- whenever someone would get on his nerves he'd always retaliate in some way and was never caught.
The one subject he did pay attention for was debate and speeches, everything else he figured was worthless for him, the Crown Prince of Hell. I mean, why would he need to know how to do complex math- that's what assistants were for, right?
Needless to say, he did, at one point or another, have to re-learn how to do that same complex math because it turns out being able to do your own equations without needing someone else in the room greatly sped things up.
Current Day
To cope with certain stresses and troubles in his life, he's taken up gardening and spends much of his free time tending to his collection and keeping it looking presentable, though he's almost the only one who ever goes into the room he keeps everything in.
- Gardening and taking care of plants
- Well-tailored outfits and simple but fancy suits and vests
- Making public appearances, and writing and delivering speeches
- Mess and clutter
- Being late
- Sudden loud noises
Is very animated. Waves his hands around a lot when talking (subconsciously), ears have a decent degree of movement and he emotes with them (Raises when curious/ excited, lowers back when scared or sad etc) His pupils even dilate when in the dark or when he's anticipating something.

Name: Prince Cyrus
Age: Mid 50's
Pronouns He/Him
Height: 6'6"
Status: Alive