The mischevious second-in-line prince of Hell, and a rare mixture between an archangel and what is commonly referred to as a demon.
He's generally quite friendly and tries to be very approachable, as long as you're not an asshole. If you end up getting on his wrong side it's probably best to be careful because he will get to you through increasingly elaborate practical jokes and pranks. He in particular has very little patience with nobility. He's always putting on a smile, even if at times he's not truly feeling alright, he just doesn't want people to worry, preferring to handle his issues on his own rather than dragging others into it.
Very impulsive and opportunistic, and rarely thinks his schemes through before he tries executing them, sometimes resulting in someone getting injured, or something getting broken.
His early life was relatively normal, for a regular person. Like his brother, he was raised mostly in secret and went to do normal schooling, albeit at a richer establishment. Though unlike Cyrus, Oriel ended up with a significantly worse experience, with some of the other children going being particularly cruel. Oriel, developing a very unique feature for demons (his shadows), was made quite a target.
He was actually quite shy back then and hesitant to 'fight back', only when he graduated schooling (with a dose of developed claustrophobia) did he try to pick up some sort of fighting technique to soothe himself. He primarily took an interest in sword-fighting.
Current Day
Current day, he's become quite a clown, or even a jester of the palace and he has quite the reputation as being trouble if you're rude to anyone he likes. Mostly, he does this to cheer up Cyrus and to look after him while he's in a troubled spot.
He often takes visits to Earth with his human-friends he's gotten, taking trips and exploring around this other world with them.

Name: Prince Oriel
Age: Mid 30's
Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 6'3"
Occupation: Prince
Status: Alive