A man who's just looking for some excitement, and it seems he gets that when he decides to take a mysterious night job, resulting in him meeting a vampire who he takes a liking to, becoming a protective figure over the young man.
As might be expected, Elias is quite a hard-working and selfless man. Usually if someone around him needs help, he'll be the first to offer a hand where he can. He can be impulsive and often makes decisions quickly based on his feelings in the moment. This does mean he's often quick to react to things happening around him.
Despite his qualifications and willingness to learn, he has trouble holding down jobs. Usually it's either he gets bored or doesn't like the work and finds something else around town to help out with. His most recent and longest-lasting job being working as a night watchman. Elias very quickly grows discontent with the same and craves excitement and something new.
Elias was born into a historically poor family, they were all farm workers and lived very simple lives. When he was born, however, his family decided they wanted a better life for their first son. The family scrounged together what they could and finally managed to move away to a proper town when he was young.
Because of this move and his parent's encouragement, Eli was one of the first in their family to learn to read and write, though it was sometimes difficult to dedicate time to learning when he also had to help out around the house. Despite the change in pace and opportunities, they were still struggling.
It was fortuitous then, when Elias peeked the noticeboard and saw one from some rich person in town requesting hard working and brave folk for a certain job opportunity, training provided. The only information on it was primarily operating at night, which didn't bother him- he'd been a night watchman for a while.
As it turned out, the opportunity was protecting the town from the growing vampire problem. The ones hired would be given an office to conduct study and work out of, and a man to teach them self defense. Learning about this did unnerve Eli; he didn't even know the monsters existed until then... But the pay was amazing, if he was just careful it should be fine, he was confident.
Current Day
Nunc laoreet justo magna, sed rhoncus tellus gravida et. Integer eu ligula ante. Sed sed ligula vel quam laoreet suscipit at sollicitudin eros. Sed mollis neque ac nisi auctor, eget consequat nisl ultricies. Phasellus rutrum ipsum ex. Etiam lobortis cursus odio, ac blandit nibh. Suspendisse ut dolor ac tortor eleifend iaculis. Aliquam scelerisque arcu id nisl faucibus rutrum. Integer sit amet ante sit amet diam vehicula semper aliquam eget risus. Curabitur luctus felis et libero fringilla iaculis.
Pleasant walks
New things
Hot weather
He finds it very difficult to stay in one line of work, and often jumps between jobs

Name: Elias Fletcher
Age: 26
Pronouns He/him
Height: 6'2"
Occupation: Vampire hunter?
Status: Alive